Dear community and friends of Ukraine!

Organizers of the event will reimburse the money for the tickets purchased for “Dvizh”.

On behalf of Promote Ukraine, we would like to inform you that despite the fact that a lot of Russian propaganda was spread in the Belgian media, Promote Ukraine was actively involved in delivering truth and counter-narrative measures, and provided the media with all the necessary information.

Yesterday evening we found out that the city hall of Ganshoren wanted to cancel the event.

However, we used our contacts in Belgium to negotiate with the mayor’s office and, under personal guarantee of the president of our organization Marta Barandiy, ensured that the event would take place. We also agreed that the police would provide a crew and ensure the security of the event. But despite all our efforts, the event was canceled at the initiative of the 3rd Assault Brigade. They commented on this decision as follows: “Whether in Ukraine or abroad, we always comply with all security requirements, and this time we are not going to expose our people to any threats either.”

As far as we know from the words of the 3rd Assault Brigade, they received such an order from the Office of the President of Ukraine Офіс Президента України.

We thank the City Hall of Genshoren and the Brussels-West police for their support in organizing the event. And also to La Planque, who, despite the pressure, kept a steadfast position in organizing the event.

Promote Ukraine Team

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