Sunday is boycottLukoil day!

Popular Dutch newspaper Trouw confirms that each time you fuel at Lukoil, you sponsor the war!

Lukoil has more than just gas stations in the Netherlands. Lukoil is the co-owner of the Zeeland Refinery. This means that Lukoil has control over every link of the oil chain in the Netherlands.‼️

In this article for Trouw, it is once again confirmed that European money finances the Russian war machine.‼️ “Even if the oil does not come from Russia, the profits of Lukoil Netherlands benefit the parent company in Moscow.”

Oekraïners in Nederland & Oleksandr Tomashchuk, would you like to join our boycottLukoil in the Netherlands?

Waarom staat het Russische LukOil (met 66 tankstations in Nederland) niet op de sanctielijsten?



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