Director Valentyn Vasyanovych said that the film “Atlantis” was shortlisted for the prestigious award of the European Film Academy.

“Atlantis” is among the nominees for the European Film Academy Award. The film will compete for the so-called “European Oscar.” The film will now be watched by film academics who will vote for the nominees for the award. The results of their selection will be announced on 7 November at the European Film Festival in Seville,” Vasyanovych said.

The authors and the film crew perceive each festival or award as an opportunity to tell the world about the war with Russia.

“This time we will be able to remind Europe of it once again,” the director told.

It should be noted that Ukrainian films confidently receive awards at prestigious film festivals around the world from time to time. In 2019, more than 30 tapes were created, 20 of which were in Ukrainian and international distribution.

Natalia Tolub

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