Вчора в офісі ПЮ ми мали радість вітати Олену Шмідт, віце-президентку Благодійний фонд «Громадянин» / Citizen Charity foundation. Як ви знаєте, протягом останніх двох років ми підтримували цей неймовірний фонд візитами наших ветеранів.

we've supported this incredible Foundation through our veterans' visits for the past two years
we've supported this incredible Foundation through our veterans' visits for the past two years
we've supported this incredible Foundation through our veterans' visits for the past two years
we've supported this incredible Foundation through our veterans' visits for the past two years
we've supported this incredible Foundation through our veterans' visits for the past two years
we've supported this incredible Foundation through our veterans' visits for the past two years
we've supported this incredible Foundation through our veterans' visits for the past two years

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