On behalf of NGO Promote Ukraine, please be aware of the latest developments and consider boycotting the event dedicated to the presentation of the book ‘Stories of Strength’now hosted by the Wings of Goodness Foundation in Anderlecht, after being canceled at the Station Europe hosted by NGO Ukrainian Civil Society Hub.

Upon discovering that Vadym Stolar Charitable Foundation was organizing this event with the Hub, Promote Ukraine, concerned about Stolar’s connections to pro-Russian groups and financial schemes, contacted European Parliament President Roberta Metsola to request the event’s cancellation and protect Ukrainian civil society’s reputation in Brussels.

The event was canceled at Station Europe, but organizers quickly shifted to the new partner – Wings of Goodness Foundation, led by Arman Lalayan, and moved the venue to Rue Louis Mascré, 12-1070 Anderlecht. They also removed references to Vadym Stolar Charitable Foundation, which funded the creation and publication of the book ‘Stories of Strength’, probably in an attempt to try to distance themselves from his tarnished reputation.

Such tactics of “grechkosiystvo” (vote-buying or bribery through handouts) may have worked in Ukraine in the past, but they have no place in Brussels or Europe, where transparency and integrity are paramount. It is deeply troubling to see that Stolar has found allies in Brussels who are willing to support his agenda and provide a platform for his rehabilitation.

Therefore, we urge everyone to boycott this event. Participation risks enabling Vadym Stolar to use charitable projects to obscure his corrupt past and present himself as a benefactor to those he has harmed. This is not merely an event; it is a cynical attempt by Stolar to redeem himself by exploiting the suffering of Ukrainians.

We also urge the Wings of Goodness Foundation to reconsider its involvement in this event to avoid damaging its reputation through its association with Stolar.

Slava Ukraini!


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