Donbas War: Russian Armed Forces Use Banned Mines

Donbas War: Russian Armed Forces Use Banned Mines

Six cases of ceasefire violations were recorded during last night, 22 November, according to the Joint Forces Operation Headquarters. Thus, the Russian occupation forces opened fire with an automatic easel grenade launcher in the suburbs […]
Mines in Occupied Donbas Turning into Time Bomb

Mines in Occupied Donbas Turning into Time Bomb

The situation in the coal sector of the non-government controlled areas in Donbas is constantly deteriorating. The safety standards in the mines are not met, and the material and technical condition of enterprises has worsened, causing […]
UN GA Strengthened the Resolution on the Occupied Crimea

UN GA Strengthened the Resolution on the Occupied Crimea

The Third Committee of the UN General Assembly 75th Session approved the draft of the fifth updated and strengthened resolution "Human Rights Situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, Ukraine." The approval of […]