Russia continues playing its disinformation games aimed at forming a message about the "Ukrainian threat." The official website of Russia's FSB reported that the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation had stopped the intelligence […]
22.12.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
In the Dnipropetrovsk region, a former official of one of the units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was exposed as he was secretly gathering classified military information. He tried to pass the information […]
22.12.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
While preparing the special edition of Brussels Ukraїna Review, our team has been in contact with many security experts in Ukraine and the EU. The majority of them have written articles or given comments for […]
15.12.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Tensions are rising in Ukraine as the intelligence of various countries report that Russia is considering a scenario of a rapid, large-scale offensive operation against Ukraine in several directions. Russia continues to put pressure on Ukraine […]
10.12.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
The European Union Ambassadors approved the imposition of sanctions against members of the Russian Private Military Company (PMC) Wagner Group. “EU Ambassadors have today decided to green light sanctions against the Wagner group. It will […]
08.12.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
As of early 2014, the Crimean tourism sector was on the rise and was undoubtedly a leading industry in Crimea. Starting from 2010, the tourist flow reached a stable level of 5-6 million visitors per year, […]
08.12.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
In Ukraine, the build-up of Russian troops near its borders raises fears of further military escalation. This is similar to 2014, when Russia annexed the Ukrainian Crimean Peninsula and unleashed the ongoing war in another Ukrainian […]
06.12.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Over the next two months, Belarusian and Russian troops will conduct exercises near the Belarus–Ukraine border. The manoeuvres will take place in two stages, Russian media reports with reference to self-proclaimed "president" of Belarus Alexander […]
02.12.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
With all due respect to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, menacing statements about our dire response are just yet another idle threat. And such threats make us funny. I want to highlight three very serious dangers caused by […]
01.12.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly protests against the continuation of Russia’s illegal practice of sending so-called “humanitarian convoys” to the territory of Ukraine. The Russian Federation once again ignored Ukraine’s repeated warnings and […]
29.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Ukraine’s participation in the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Riga sends a signal to Russia against the background of military threats coming from it. It will allow discussing joint steps to curb Moscow’s aggressive […]
26.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
The database of MarineTraffic, a popular online service for vessel tracking, indicates that the vessels of the Chornomornaftogaz fleet stolen from Ukraine belong to the SUE Chernomorneftegaz, which was illegally created by Russia. These data […]
24.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Coordinated domestic and foreign energy policy and enhanced energy diplomacy will help to meet the current challenges facing Ukraine and the world. "Ukraine's geographical location makes it not only an integral part of the European […]
18.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Since the beginning of the year, more than 300 proceedings have been opened for encroaching on the territorial integrity of our state and attempts to seize power. More than 260 criminals have been convicted. Dozens […]
10.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
The press centre of the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center hosted a presentation "Analysis of human rights violations in the occupied Crimea for Nine months of 2021." The monitoring was conducted by the Crimean Tatar Resource […]
08.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Russian and Belarusian dictatorial regimes form a dangerous asymmetric tandem On 4 November, at a meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenka sealed the documents aimed at […]
08.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Ukrainian counterintelligence officers stopped the activity of the agent network in the Donetsk region, which operated under the supervision of the FSB of the Russian Federation. The network was headed by a militant of the reconnaissance unit of […]
04.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Russia has been rapidly losing ground in Europe. Europeans are so fed up with the Kremlin's inadequate foreign policy that, despite the Kremlin administration's efforts to maintain influence in certain European countries, fewer Putin supporters remain. […]
03.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, an indictment was filed against the "head of the regional headquarters of the Young Army of the […]
03.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
In 2011-2020, as part of Russia’s deliberate state policy of forced assimilation, the Federal National and Cultural Autonomy of Ukrainians of Russia, the Association of Ukrainians of Russia, and the Omsk Regional NGO “Siberian Center of Ukrainian […]
02.11.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak