Germany Sees Progress in Negotiations on Ukraine

Germany Sees Progress in Negotiations on Ukraine

The world community must continue its dialogue with the Russian Federation despite the imposition of new EU sanctions, as there are "positive developments" in the settlement of armed conflicts, particularly in Ukraine and Syria. This […]
Donbas War: New Forces Separation Areas Identified

Donbas War: New Forces Separation Areas Identified

The separation of forces and equipment in four directions on the frontline in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and about 19 new locations for demining are under preparation. The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Reintegration […]
EU Called for Human Rights Monitoring in Crimea

EU Called for Human Rights Monitoring in Crimea

The European Union is concerned about human rights and fundamental freedoms violations in the Crimea annexed by Russia and calls for unimpeded access for international and regional mechanisms of human rights monitoring on the peninsula. […]
MH17 Disaster:  Russia Exits Tripartite Consultations

MH17 Disaster: Russia Exits Tripartite Consultations

Russia has announced the impossibility of continuing participation in the tripartite consultations with Australia and the Netherlands to investigate the crash of the Malaysian plane flight MH17 in Donbas. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of […]
Nord Stream. Koschei’s Needle

Nord Stream. Koschei’s Needle

Alexi Navalny's case, even without loud sanctions, dealt a blow to Russia's investment climate and economic attractiveness. Angela Merkel's recent meeting with Navalny is not accidental, although it was exclusively secular. Emmanuel Macron and Merkel […]
Norway Blames Russia for Cyber-Attack on Parliament

Norway Blames Russia for Cyber-Attack on Parliament

Norway has blamed Russia for a cyber-attack on the email system in the Norwegian parliament in August. Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide called it a serious incident affecting the country's "most important democratic institution." "Based […]
Ukraine Re-elected to the UN Human Rights Council

Ukraine Re-elected to the UN Human Rights Council

The United Nations General Assembly has re-elected Ukraine to the UN Human Rights Council with a mandate for 2021-2023. Ukraine's Foreign Ministry's press service reported about this, adding that Ukraine will fulfil its obligations to those […]
More Than 120 Russian Drones Shot Down in Donbas

More Than 120 Russian Drones Shot Down in Donbas

The Russian Federation has actively used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) since the beginning of the Donbas war. During the first years, some of them were launched from the neighbouring state's territory and flew towards Ukraine. […]