There are no secret SSU prisons in Ukraine

There are no secret SSU prisons in Ukraine

There are no "secret SSU prisons" in Ukraine, and rumors of systemic human rights violations are being purposefully spread by pro-Russian propagandists, said Ivan Bakanov, head of the Security Service, Radio Svoboda reports. "Ukraine is […]
Apple opens a representative office in Ukraine

Apple opens a representative office in Ukraine

According to one source, the Ukrainian company is really opening with the American Apple. But there is no official confirmation yet. Apple has registered a limited liability company in Ukrainian jurisdiction. The corresponding entry appeared […]
Green investments are under threat

Green investments are under threat

In recent decades, the world has been actively stimulating the development of alternative energy, primarily solar and wind-driven. In general, in 2019, two thirds of the new generating capacity in the world were "green". At […]
Online diplomacy in a crisis

Online diplomacy in a crisis

The pandemic has been the biggest test for the European Union since its inception in 1993. The escalation of biosecurity problems coincided with unresolved issues of completing Britain's exit from the EU. In addition, the […]
Literature for export

Literature for export

This year, from May 19 to June 10, there will be a remote professional program of the Book Arsenal, aimed at strengthening the export opportunities of Ukrainian publishers and attracting foreign literary agents to translate […]