• 5 July, 17.00
  • In front of NATO HQ, Boulevard Léopold III, 1110 Brussels, Belgium

The main objective of the manifestation is to get a political signal about Ukraine’s approach to the Alliance, to get a general package of assistance for Ukraine, and to increase funding for Ukraine from each NATO member state.

Our key messages for the following demonstration:

  • Ukraine is already de facto fulfilling the fundamental mission for which the Alliance was created in 1949, namely, to protect European countries and their values (freedom, democracy and the rule of law) from the aggression of a bloc of totalitarian (authoritarian) regimes led by Russia. At present, the work of the entire bloc of 32 NATO member states is being carried out by one country – Ukraine and its Armed Forces.
  • Ukraine is a European country with the strongest army on the European continent, which has practical experience in a continental-scale conventional war with Russia, making it potentially the most valuable military ally for any NATO country, especially on the European continent.
  • NATO enlargement to include Ukraine would strengthen the security of the entire Eurasian continent;
  • The most effective way to prevent possible wars in Europe is to grant Ukraine NATO membership;
    NATO membership is the only reliable guarantee of security that Ukraine can trust.
  • The demonstration will take place in scope of the international campaign #NATOjoinUkraine

We encourage everyone to join and share the info on your social media!
United we are stronge.

Promote Ukraine Team

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