Mass protests have come over in Russia: the Russians were outraged by the "all-Russian voting" on amendments to the Constitution in a single set that allowed Putin to legitimize the usurpation of power in the […]
21.07.2020 • Bohdan Marusyak
Psychological violence is a rather complex phenomenon in the former CIS countries’ legal fields. It is considered only as a component of the other violence types (physical, economic, sexual) qualification. At the same time, common […]
20.07.2020 • Bohdan Marusyak
Quarantine strengthens the authorities’ power and weakens the opposition. The former gains more power and becomes a major player in overcoming the pandemic; the latter is marginalised, as any criticism from its part may be […]
20.07.2020 • pu
The French Bureau of Civil Aviation Investigation and Analysis has received the black box of the Ukrainian International Airlines passenger plane that was downed in Tehran earlier this year. The French bureau announced this on […]
20.07.2020 • Bohdan Marusyak
The Canadian intelligence department has announced cyberattacks in laboratories searching for a coronavirus vaccine. At the same time, similar cases of information theft have occurred in the United Kingdom and the United States. Although hacker […]
20.07.2020 • Bohdan Marusyak