Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in November 1991, the area that extends from central Europe to Central Asia has been commonly referred to as the “post-Soviet space.” The label has always been problematic, […]
09.08.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Granting a motion filed by the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, the court put a lien on 13 aircraft of the Russian air carrier that were used […]
09.08.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
The Ukrainian side has submitted to the Venice Commission a draft law on the state policy of the transition period for Crimea and Donbas, according to Yuna Potiomkina, advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for […]
08.08.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Ukraine is not turning towards China. The two countries are in the normal process of cooperation in trade and the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. "I don't know, maybe someone sees some special rapprochement between […]
07.08.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak
Hailed from KGB [Soviet Union’s Committee for State Security], General Marchuk became in his lifetime an uncompromising opponent of his "colleague" – Lieutenant Colonel Putin Yevhen Marchuk, one of the most powerful political figures in […]
06.08.2021 • Bohdan Marusyak