[ad_1] Denys Prokopenko (Redis) Dmytro Volyna Svyatoslav Palamar (Kalyna) ARE LIBERATED FROM RUSSIAN CAPTIVITY!!! [ad_2] Source
22.09.2022 • Promote-Ukraine
[ad_1] In these photos, you can see what Russian captivity does to people. This is how Mykhailo Vershynin, the head of the Mariupol Patrol Police, changed due to his capture. Russia must be held accountable […]
21.09.2022 • Promote-Ukraine
[ad_1] Azovstal defender Mykhailo Dianov has been released from Russian captivity! [ad_2] Source
21.09.2022 • Promote-Ukraine
[ad_1] Paramedic Ptashka Kateryna Polishchuk from Azovstal is liberated! She is finally home!! [ad_2] Source
21.09.2022 • Promote-Ukraine
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the shameful "sentence" passed today on First Deputy Head of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People Nariman Dzhelyal as well as brothers Asan and Aziz Akhtemov […]
21.09.2022 • Bohdan Marusyak