[ad_1] Today, in cooperation with Promote Ukraine, we organised a protest demonstration, Ballot-Bullet! Illegal referendums are Russian terrorist acts! In front of the Russian Mission to the EU 🇪🇺 in Brussels, we demonstrated against the […]
08.10.2022 • Promote-Ukraine
[ad_1 The Ukrainian, Georgian and Moldavian communities in Brussels have voted on a referendum to designate the Russian Mission to the EU as an exclusion zone! Vankya confirms it was legit. By Promote Ukraine [ad_2] Source
08.10.2022 • Promote-Ukraine
[ad_1] Photos from today's manifestation Ballot-Bullet! Illegal referendums are Russian terrorist acts! Huge thanks to Igor Pylypenko! Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Source
08.10.2022 • Promote-Ukraine
Ukrainian media, referring to their own sources in the law enforcement agencies, note that the explosion on the Crimea Bridge on 8 October is a special operation of the Security Service of Ukraine. Currently, the […]
08.10.2022 • Bohdan Marusyak
[ad_1]We discovered an acceptable way to answer Russia's fake referendums on the temporary occupied territories of Ukraine. Today, we organised a vote for the annexation of the territory of the Russian Mission to the EU. […]
08.10.2022 • Promote-Ukraine