Your dedication and commitment resonated with voters and we are confident that your continued work will be of great benefit to Europe and beyond.

Your dedication and commitment resonated with voters and we are confident that your continued work will be of great benefit to Europe and beyond
Your dedication and commitment resonated with voters and we are confident that your continued work will be of great benefit to Europe and beyond
Your dedication and commitment resonated with voters and we are confident that your continued work will be of great benefit to Europe and beyond

As you step into this exciting new chapter of your parliamentary career, we wish you the best of luck and boundless enthusiasm. Your role is crucial in making the world a better place and in fostering a prosperous and united Europe. We look forward to seeing the positive changes and initiatives you will champion in the European Parliament.

Your dedication and commitment resonated with voters and we are confident that your continued work will be of great benefit to Europe and beyond
Your dedication and commitment resonated with voters and we are confident that your continued work will be of great benefit to Europe and beyond
Your dedication and commitment resonated with voters and we are confident that your continued work will be of great benefit to Europe and beyond

Your leadership and vision are an inspiration to us all, and we remain hopeful for fruitful cooperation, support and advocacy for Ukraine in advancing initiatives that promote cooperation and solidarity during these challenging times.

Your dedication and commitment resonated with voters and we are confident that your continued work will be of great benefit to Europe and beyond
Your dedication and commitment resonated with voters and we are confident that your continued work will be of great benefit to Europe and beyond
Your dedication and commitment resonated with voters and we are confident that your continued work will be of great benefit to Europe and beyond

Once again, congratulations and best wishes for your success.

Maxime Prévot

Georges-Louis Bouchez

Bart De Wever

Sammy Mahdi

Theo Francken

Benoît Lutgen

Alain Deneef

Azghoud Loubna

Philippe Close

Lena Schilling

Sophie Wilmes

Yvan Verougstraete

Assita Kanko

Elio Di Rupo

Sven Mikser

Urmas Paet

Henna Virkkunen

Elsi Katainen

Raphaël Glucksmann

Daniel Caspary MEP

David McAllister

Axel Voss

Manfred Weber

Pina Picerno

Sandra Kalniete

Andrius Kubilius

Rasa Jukneviciene

Petras Auštrevičius

Roberta Metsola

Janusz Lewandowski

Robert Biedroń

Miriam Lexmann

Javier Zarzalejos

Pilar del Castillo

Karin Karlsbro

Promote Ukraine Team

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