It was a pleasure to meet and have a fruitful discussion with the Director of FRA Sirpa Ratio, who assured unshakable support for Ukraine arguing that she has “never seen such dedication to democracy and human rights as the one in Ukraine” that is currently definitely the heart of it.
Dmytro Lubinets (@dmytro_lubinets), Ukrainian Ombudsman (Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine) presented Ukrainian’s photographer Evgeniy Maloletka’s (@evgenymaloletka) with the Associated Press Award Photo of the Year and once again commented about numerous war crimes committed by Russia during its war of aggression against Ukraine and the need of prosecution for them, citing the words of Nariman Dzhelyal (the Deputy chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars).“The easiest thing to do is to be indifferent,” said Vera Jourova (@vera.jourova), Vice-President of the European Commission who highlighted the importance to fight Russian propaganda and stand firmly by Ukraine as long as it takes for its victory.

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