Welcome to our fundraising campaign aimed at supporting the visit of 10 Ukrainian veterans to Brussels from 22 to 29 May 2024. Organised by Promote Ukraine, this initiative seeks to draw attention to the crucial topic of Ukrainian veteran rehabilitation programmes. These veterans plan to undertake an exceptional journey by running 20 kilometres through Brussels. Your contribution will not only facilitate their trip and their stay in Brussels but also amplify their voices to be heard on an international scale.

Why It Matters
Ukrainian veterans have bravely defended their country, often at great personal cost. Many return home with physical injuries and psychological scars, facing challenges in reintegrating into civilian life. Rehabilitation programmes play a vital role in their recovery and their reintegration process. By bringing these veterans to Brussels, we aim to shed light on their experiences and advocate for an increase in support systems.

Our Mission 
Promote Ukraine is committed to promoting the interests of Ukraine and its people on international scale. Through initiatives like this, we strive to raise awareness about pressing issues such as veteran rehabilitation and, therefore, foster meaningful dialogue with policymakers.

How To Help:
Your generous donations will directly support the travel and the expenses of the veterans’ stay during their one week in Brussels. Additionally, any surplus funds will be transferred to the Citizen Foundation, which provides comprehensive assistance to servicemen who suffered injuries, physical and psychological rehabilitation and education.

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference!

Donation Details:
Account Name: Promote Ukraine
Bank: KBC Belgium
Account Number: BE61 7370 6304 7417
Communication: VETERANS (very important to indicate)

Thank you for your generosity and solidarity for the Ukrainian veterans. Together, we can make a difference. 

Promote Ukraine Team

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