Dear Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine!

As many of you already know, this morning, a russian missile hit Okhmatdyt, the biggest kids hospital in Kyiv. The hospital where dozens of Ukrainian children received treatment for cancer and other severe diseases became a russian’s direct target.

 In response to the tragic attack, we call on all the Europeans to join the manifestation on July 10. The innocent lives lost in this attack have left our hearts heavy and our resolve stronger than ever!

 -July 10, 12:30-14:00

 – Pl. du Luxembourg, Brussels

The demonstration aims to highlight the following key messages:

  • Save Ukrainian Children, Protect Ukraine:

We firmly believe that a strong Ukrainian army, supported by the NATO alliance, is the only way to safeguard our children. Their safety should be our top priority.

  • Peace on Ukraine’s Terms:

We advocate for peace, but not at the cost of negotiating with a terrorist state. Hungary’s failed “peacemaking” efforts serve as a stark reminder.

  • Close Ukrainian Sky:

We urge politicians to allow western air defense systems to intercept Russian missiles from NATO territory. This measure will protect Ukrainian children from deliberate genocidal attacks.

  • Long-Range Missiles for Ukraine:

There should be no restrictions on targeting Russian military objects that pose a threat to Ukrainian lives.

  • Membership in NATO:

We consider NATO membership to be the only reliable security guarantee for Ukraine. It prevents repeated Russian invasions and ensures that Ukrainian children can live without constant fear of death.

Join us to ramp up pressure!

United, we are stronger! 

Promote Ukraine Team

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