On the 24 June 2015 we organized two roundtables on human rights in Crimea as well as screening the film Haytarma about the deportation of Crimean Tatars 1944. The presentations took place at the European Parliament, University of Antwerp, and de Stroming Antwerp.
We sincerely thank for the success of the events MEP Mark Demesmaeker, Mission of Ukraine to the NATO, Free Crimea,
Razom for Ukraine, University of Antwerp, and the City of Antwerp.
Human Rights in Crimea Today, the European Parliament
A complex question of human rights in a present-day Crimea was addressed in a round table discussion organised by ‘Promote Ukraine’ and hosted by Mark Demesmaeker in the European Parliament on 24 June 2015. Three international lawyers, Ivanna Bilych (USA), Olena Sharvan (Ukraine) and Matheus de Moura Sena (Brasil) presented the results of a joint research paper on the legal status and the situation of human rights in Crimea, as well as their concrete recommendations for both an internal improvement of the Crimean reality and the eventual interventions from the international community. The presentations were followed by two other contributions by a representative of civil society, an initiator of the “Free Crimea” project Taras Berezovets, and by Volodymyr A. Vasylenko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine, a former judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The experts’ voices were joined by the audience in a dynamic and engaged discussion about this important case while searching for ways to bring more clarity to the issue from both legal and humanitarian perspectives.
- Mark Demesmaeker
- Promote Ukraine in the European Parliament
- Crimea Conference in the European Parliament
- Taras Berezovets
Human Rights in Crimea Today, University Antwerp
An interesting discussion happened between the guest-speakers and the respondents of the round table at the University Antwerp. Watch and listen to the quite provocative remarks by the academics and well argumentative answers of the practitioners of international law!
Film HAYTARMA in Antwerp
The screening of the film “Haytarma” by Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar director Ahtem Seytablayev organized by Promote Ukraine took place in Antwerp on June 24. This Historical and military drama tells the story of the most tragic page in the history of the indigenous population of Crimea, the Crimean Tatars. Now, after the annexation of Crimea by Russia there are a lot of questions raised about the state of human rights on the peninsula. After the screening international lawyers Olena Sharvan (Ukraine), Matheus De Moura Sena (Brazil), Ivanna Bilych (USA) presented the results of their legal research on the situation. The event was attended by Ukrainians, so by Belgians, Belorussians, and Russians. The debates were sharp but interesting.