The round table “Ukraine and Belgium – new business opportunities” will be held on 6-7 August at the Ukrainian House in Brussels. The premises are provided by Promote Ukraine.
We invite Belgian companies and manufacturers to expand their sales market. At the round table, you will be able to find people who will be ready to represent your business interests in Ukraine.
Today, there are already a number of Ukrainian companies that want to be represented in Europe, and in particular in Belgium. Some of them are:
📍 “Budmall.Center” – modern wooden modular houses – Ternopil.
📍Galaxy – Energy-efficient vacuum filter units for dust removal, mainly in the woodworking and furniture industries.
📍”ABRA” – developer and manufacturer of warehouse and trade equipment – Dnipropetrovsk.
📍PP Kovalchuk P.O. – manufacture of wooden houses for hunting and fishing, gazebos, garden houses, as well as wooden playgrounds – Rivne.
📍”Zona pechati” – a beauty graphic design company. restaurant, typography – Chervonograd, Lviv.
📍Also small producers and farms that have products and would like to sell them abroad: honey, eggs, grains.
Ukrainians in Belgium, who have a desire to become representatives of the declared companies on the European market to help our entrepreneurs, and to expand trade relations between our countries, met our offer with great interest.
Belgian companies interested in representing their goods in Ukraine also responded to our invitations.
In addition, Belgian organisations that provide legal advice for opening representative offices and drafting business proposals for companies are invited to the round table.
Therefore, we invite everyone to join the business table!
You can present your company or your production, and become a business representative in Belgium or Ukraine. Join the joint work in the restoration of our Ukraine.
Website: https://www.ruthenia.be/…/biznes-partnerstvo-ukraina…/
Contacts: Tel. +32 487 20 49 36 +32 487 20 51 85
Email: ruthenia.vzw@gmail.com
We will be grateful for reposts!
Бізнес партнерство Україна, Бельгія, Європа – Ruthenia