1. Is it true that grant writers are highly demanded nowadays?
  2. Where and how to get the skills to become a grant writer?
  3. Where to find information about grants and their opportunities?
  4. Who is eligible to receive grants, and for what purposes?
  5. How to study information about grant competitions on your own?
  6. How do I submit grant applications for projects?
  7. How long does it take to prepare a grant project?
  8. What features should I know in order to prepare better documents for a grant project?
  9. Why are grants for Ukraine and Ukrainians now one of the few ways to support and develop social, economic, cultural, environmental, educational and other areas?

Come to learn more about grant writing and discover new professional and personal opportunities.

  • 2.07 at 16:00
  • Location: Station Europe, pl. de Luxembourg
  • Language of the event: Ukrainian
  • Speaker: Tetiana Vlizko, an expert in the field of grant activity.

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