We have an interesting offer from our partner Diageo, who offer Ukrainians a free bartending course.

Are you looking for a job? Do you want to become a professional bartender and get help in finding a job in the HORECA (hotels, restaurants, café) sector?

On 16 November 2022, another Learning for Life bartender training program will begin in Brussels. This is a 6-week program (until 23 December) – super intensive, free for participants, and with the best hospitality instructors.

During their studies, students also undergo a 2-week internship.

The program is in French and English, so it is important to speak at least English.

Send your application to Jean Francois 0496.856.818 – office@barconnector.be

If you do not know the language yet and you are still very interested, write in the comments to this post.


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