On Saturday, February 25, we will massively take to the streets of Brussels against the Russian invasion and for solidarity with Ukraine. The demonstration is part of a worldwide week of action against the Russian war of aggression.
Friday, February 24, will mark one year since the Russian army invaded Ukraine on the orders of Putin and his regime. A year of indescribable suffering and bloodshed for the Ukrainian people.
Our demonstration is organised by grassroot organisations, people actively involved in solidarity with Ukraine and associations of Ukrainians in Belgium. It is supported by citizens who are active in the field of culture, feminism, trade unionism, LGBT rights and other causes. The call was signed by more than 150 citizens and organisations (the list is preliminary).
We are claiming with one voice: “Immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from all Ukrainian territories, unconditional halt to the bombing of Ukraine”.

Marta Barandiy, Chairwoman of Promote Ukraine:
“The invasion has already cost the lives of tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians and military personnel. Every day the Ukrainian people face brutality and violence. Millions of civilians have been forced to flee abroad, millions are internally displaced. Entire towns and villages have been reduced to rubble by Russian bombing and airstrikes. Putin wants to make an independent Ukraine impossible”.
Iryna Khapko, Member of The Association of Ukrainian Women in Belgium:
“Women are the first victims of mass terror. Mass rape campaigns and killings by rape are established attack strategies. With every liberation of a Ukrainian village or town, new crimes come to light. A great many Ukrainian citizens, including children, have been deported, without permission and often by force, to the territory of Russia”.
Felipe van Keirsblick, General Secretary of National Central of Employees:
“The Ukrainian people rightly refuse to be passive victims of this war of aggression and actively and massively resists the invasion, with or without arms in hand. Widespread mutual solidarity and self-organisation of the population plays a crucial role in enabling this resistance to continue, as does international support in many different forms”.
Jean-Pierre et Luc Dardenne, Belgian movie makers:
“The killing of the Ukrainian people and the destruction of independent Ukraine must stop. As human beings, as European citizens we should reject Russian invasion. The widest possible solidarity with the Ukrainian people is more necessary than ever.”
The demonstration is organised on the initiative of Promote Ukraine NGO, The Association of Ukrainian Women in Belgium and the Belgian Committee of European Network of Solidarity with Ukraine. It is supported by more than 150 citizens and organisations.
Promote Ukraine: Marta Barandiy, Chairwoman – marta.barandiy@promoteukraine.org, +32 478 33 34 31 (UA, EN, FR)
Association of Ukrainian Women in Belgium: Iryna Khapko, Member – iryna.khapko@gmail.com, +32 472 37 73 97 (UA, FR, NL, EN)
European Network of Solidarity with Ukraine:
Thomas Weyts, thomas.leon.weyts@gmail.com, +32 496 20 76 37 (NL, EN, FR)
France Blanmailland, france@blanmailland.be, +32 478 40 34 02
1) With almost 170,000 members (a majority of whom are women and a third under the age of 35), the Centrale nationale des employés (CNE) is the largest trade union centre in French-speaking Belgium. It is affiliated to CSC, the major Trade Union Confederation in Belgium.
2) Promote Ukraine is a non-profit media, civil society and advocacy organisation that was established during the Revolution of Dignity in Brussels, European Citizen’s Prize Awardee 2022.
3) The Association of Ukrainian Women of Belgium, founded in 1948 in Brussels. It aims to help Ukraine, preserve cultural heritage and identity, strengthen ties with international, in particular, women’s organisations, to represent Ukrainian women and protect the interests of the Ukrainian people.